from clay and bronze sculptures to NFT digital artworks

German artist and publisher Marita Vollborn is presenting her artwork project "Sinn und Scherben"® - an unique convolute of 50 clay and bronze sculptures. Her works have a story to tell, and every piece is unique. A part of these artworks have been processed to NFTs as digital art on Rarible, OpenSea and SpaceSeven
"Books convey not only knowledge or entertainment, they can also sow Hass. The book shown here is opened, which the face turned forward as directed to attack. The statements in the book are represented in the form of morning stars and a large blade. What wrecking havoc effects they have is documented by the wreckage".
"She is a mourner who combines past, present and future suffering.
She is naked. On display are only parts of her body: breast and belly of a pregnant woman. The rest is covered by a blanket - a symbol of the sinking in her own world. It is the world of pain and longing. She is a woman who wishes to have a child like nothing else and is disappointed again and again. She holds her hands like having a newborn therein. But her sorrowful look reveals that she has lost it."
" The woman is emaciated and both her breasts were taken: She has cancer. But nothing in her attitude reveals the seriousness of this burden. She stands upright, with a cautious smile and is enveloped by a lush blanket full of different shaped breasts - a symbol of the attributes of femininity with which she is confronted daily. Courageous and confident she has let slip to her waist so that her scars are exposed; relaxed she keeps it together in front of the belly."
" The skull - a young deer with the facial features of an old man - symbolizing the hunt in a metaphorical and actual sense. Men go hunting, to kill their prey: They shoot deer in order to capture trophies and conquer women to prove their virility. Even death is a hunter."
" In German there is a phrase that applies to this figure: "retreat into your shell." But introversion and retreat are causes for our isolation. To break out of this isolation requires repeated attempts - to recognize the character of the snail shells with fractions. How large is the force, which costs A successful breakout is reflected in the face and in the posture of the man again. He is exhausted, his left hand shows a weary victory sign."
Digital Art by Marita Vollborn
Marita Vollborn uses digital photography in her art in two ways.
First, she uses digital photography to capture and document historical and cultural moments that she witnessed during the first decade of the German reunification. She took photos of the fall of the Berlin Wall, the protests and demonstrations, the changes and challenges, and the people and places that shaped this period. She calls this project ZEITGEIST91, which means “spirit of the time” in German. She offers these photos as digital NFT artworks on OpenSea³, a platform for buying and selling cryptoart. She also exhibits these photos in her solo exhibition SKINNED², where they are displayed alongside her bronze sculptures from the Sinn und Scherben Collection.
Second, she uses digital photography to create and enhance her cryptoart NFT artworks. She combines her photos from ZEITGEIST91 with her bronze sculptures to create unique and expressive artworks that reflect her personal and social experiences. She also adds digital effects and filters to create different moods and atmospheres for her artworks. She sells these artworks on OpenSea³ as well, where they can be viewed and purchased by collectors and enthusiasts. She also showcases these artworks in her exhibition SKINNED², where they are surrounded by her real world sculptures.
Marita Vollborn is a pioneer and innovator in using digital photography in her art. She uses digital photography to preserve and share her memories, to create and express her visions, and to connect and communicate with her audience.
Learn more about the hidden stories some of Maritas sculptures are telling us by reading the file below. All artworks can be purchased as bronze sculpture on request. Don't hesitate to contact us in case of any questions.
Sinn und Scherben 2019 - excerpt - (pdf)